山木培训面对面英语简介 | ||
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为什么十年苦读仍然张不开口?为什么单词满腹却词句全无?为什么摆脱不了“中国英语”、“哑巴英语”的迷潭?为什么面对英语无法脱口而出,侃侃而谈?你到底缺少了什么?缺少的是-——山木面对面英语学习方法!山木面对面是一种英语学习方法而非一门课程。掌握了它,就打开了英语学习之门。山木面对面英语由山木培训英国分校引入中国。其大的特点是“强迫式”教学,就如踏上了跑步机,能够帮助学习者克服怯懦、懒惰、不能持久的弱点。其学习原理是模仿母语学习,通过问答式教学,不断的模仿和重复,同时以极快的口语速度,断绝学生母语思维,终达到条件反射,脱口而出。 外教授课外教Edwin问答式教学法小班授课自编视听教材一、 极速口语山木面对面英语教师以每分钟200—240个单词的速度向学生发问,并且问答之间没有间歇。此语速促使学生集中注意力,阻止其在脑子里翻译和思考分析,终形成条件反射。极速口语还可以锻炼耳力,促使学生适应任何语速的讲话。极语口语又意味着时间与金钱的节省,同样时间内,面对面英语每小时接触12600个单词,而非传统学习法的3000个单词。用传统方法需要四年的学习内容用面对面英语要一年。二、 不断地重复,循环前进正如新生儿学习母语一样,语言的条件反射来自发音器官而非大脑,因此要练就反应力只有不断地重复——不需要理解和分析。面对面英语的每段内容在课堂上都需要重复五至六遍,每一段内容都需要一周的时间,这是极速口语的。三、 持续地纠正老师不会放过学员的任何一个微小的错误,如this is 而非thees ees。不论任何时候,如有发音错误,老师会立刻纠正。持续地纠正可以使学员克服不良记忆和羞怯心理,树立自信和勇气。久而久之,练就一口地道的英语。 一、 全英文教学,中外教结合山木面对面英语针对全英语学习者,其教学环境完全脱离学习者的母语。面对面英语每节课两小时,一小时中教,一小时外教,由于是循序渐进,不断重复,因此每段内容均可得到中教和外教的双重讲授,以利互补。二、 学前、可以跳班英语学习者基础不一,接受有快慢,如没有学前,一则浪费学员的时间和金钱,二则会给其它学员造成困扰。同一水平的人是不怕开口的,因为你有的错误或你不会的,别人同样也是。如果同一班级学员层次参差不齐,慢者压力重重,害怕张口;快者会厌烦无聊,影响学习兴趣。因此,面对面英语允许学员调到低一层次和高一层次的班级,授课老师会根据学员个人情况为他们调整班级。三、 小班授课,机会均等要练口语必须张口,面对面英语课堂通常保持6—12人,目的便是将课堂时间大限度地还给学员。问答式教学不允许教师聊天或即兴发挥,因为如此学生不能学到新内容,而且无法张口,时间被浪费掉了。老师必须按照课本逐句提问,并在问题提出后随意示意某一学员回答,同时以提示答案开头的方式从学员那里拖出答案。虽然回答人带有随机性,但老师必须要每个学员开口的机会都是均等的,只有这样,才能班级学员同步前进。 一、 节省3/4的时间面对面英语课堂没有任何昂贵的语音设备,不需要板书和笔记,没有解释和翻译,甚至不需翻看课本,学员将耳朵和嘴巴带去即可。面对面英语充分利用课上时间,课堂上学员非听即说,开口机会至少是其它课堂上的四倍,口语当然突飞猛进。而面对面英语课后没有作业,不需要购买其它教材和录音带,因此省却了课后时间。这就为学员节省了3/4的时间和金钱。二、 适合所有人学习面对面英语不教你英语知识,而教你掌握英语学习的方法。因此,不需要学习者有多高的受教育水平和理解能力——不受年龄限制;此方法摆脱了母语思维,因此它不受、地域限制。面对面英语是一种方法而非知识,因此不受学习目的限制——考证、贸易、商务、科学、技术等等。正如用五笔进行打字,不论是写小说、发邮件还是办公室使用,都可以一样。 三、 三个月学会口语口语学习不是无根之水,大部分口语学习者都具有相当的英语基础,有的人甚至已经通过英语四六级。但他们却像拧紧了水笼头的水管,有口说不出。一旦打开了这个关隘,英语便会一泄而出,滔滔不绝。面对面英语通过大量的口语练习,让堆积在学生肚中的死知识“活”起来,很短的时间。实践证明,很多面对面学员在听过一个月的课程后,口语能力便会突飞猛进,程度令自己都感惊讶。 HOW THE STUDENT CAN ENSURE THAT THE METHOD IS BEING CORRECTLY USED One of the problems with an invention is that people tend intially to misunderstand it, and consequently misuse it. Human nature being what it is. People cannot resist the temptation to tamper with the works and change things to suit their own ideas and theories. Like a camera, a car, or a photocopying machine, will not work to its full potential unless its instructions are carried out very carefullly. Nine teachers out of ten, of course, follow their instructions carfully all the time, but the tenth teacher might occasionally forget one or two points. If he does, the student should personally remind him of them, or he should speak to someone in the Reception about it, or write an anonymous letter to the School. Naturally, like everyone else, teachers do not like being criticized, but if it is done pleasantly, they accept it in order to know what it is that is upsetting their students. The follow is a summary of the main points that teachers tend to overlook.Sticking Rigidly to the Method. The teacher should adhere rigidly to the Method and teach in exactlly the same way as all the other teacher.Punctuality. The teacher should begin the lesson no later than 2 minutes after the bell has sounded. If he begins the lesson 5 minutes late, he should end it5 minutes late.Dress. The teacher should dress smartly. He should not wear trach shoes, and except in hot weather, male teacher should wear a tie.Ask Him a Question. The teacher should get the students to ask each other questions at the beginning and end of each lesson.Standing Up. When asking questions, the teacher should be walking arould about 3 feet behind his desk. He can sit down when giving a reading or dictation.Asking Each Question Twice. The teacher should always ask each question twice at top speed, and immediately start off the answer for the student by giving him the first 2 or 3 words of the answer.Dragging the Answer Out of The Student. The teacher should not wait a second for the student to answer, but should drag the answer out of the student by a pushing and pulling process.Not a Moment's Silence. There shouldnot be a moment's slience in the lesson. The teacher and students should be speaking every second.The Teacher Should Never Stop Talking. The teacher should talk the whole time. He should answer with the student, even when the student does not need his help.Quich-Fire Question. The moment a student finishes answering a question, the teacher should jump on another student with the next question.A Fair Share of the Questions. The teacher should ensuer that each student receives a fair share of the questions.Correcting Pronunciation. The teacher should quickly and constantly correct the student's pronunciation by imitation.Readings and Dictations. When the bell rings after 25 minutes of the lesson, the teacher should give a reading and a dictation.Revision. The teacher should revise each lesson about 4 to 7 times so that the student can understand him when he speaks at top speed.Chatting. The teacher is asked not to chat to the students during the lesson or hold free conversations.What Exactly is Meant by Chatting. Anexample of chatting is when the teacher asks the question “if you were a millionaire, where would you live?” and the student answers “In the South of France” and a conversation breaks out about the South of France.Breaking-in a New Student Slowly. Whenn a new student joins a course, the teacher should not ask him any questions the first lesson, and only one or two simple questions the second lesson.Pointing at The Student. The teacher should not use the student's name when asking a question; he should point at him with a pen.Changing the Questions. The teacher should not change the questions in his Method Book(which is the same as the student's book).No Extraneous Material. The teacher should not use any other material than the books.Exam Books. Only when preparing directly for the Cambridge past examination papers.All Books Should Be Taught in the Same Way. The basic principles of the Method remain the same throughout all the books. The questions should therefore always be asked at speed and the anser dragged out of the students without a pause.Opening windows. The teacher (or students) should open the windows at the end of each lesson to let in fresh air. 面对面英语课程设计:面对面英语共有五册书,内容按段计算,课时按周计算,一般设计为10周、16周、22周等,高可达48周。学员学前由面对面英语老师口语,根据现有程度及想要达到的程度选择周数。 |